Housing Contract Release Process

Carefully review the Contract Release video before submitting a contract release request.

Submitting a Contract Release Request does not automatically cancel your housing.
Submission of a Contract Release Request does not automatically result in a housing cancellation. Please discuss your options with the Contract Release Coordinator. Learn how to submit a housing cancellation request on Cancelling Housing.

Grounds for Release
A release is only granted when it has been determined that circumstances are substantially different from the time the contract went into effect and the situation cannot be relieved by a room change or utilization of campus resources. If the student can be accommodated with a room change, the Contract Release will not be granted.

The Housing Contract Release Committee will evaluate your request and will make a recommendation to Residential Life. A decision will be communicated via University email no later than two weeks after all documentation has been received. Students should not make alternative living arrangements until after a written decision is made.

If a contract release is granted, the effective date will be in the release letter. Students will be held accountable for all charges up to and including that date, and for any charges accrued as a result of damage to that room.

Contract Release Form

Contract Release Form

This form should be filled out when a student is requesting a contract release.

Please fill out your first name
Please fill out your last name
Please enter your UConn Email address
Please include your 7 digit PeopleSoft number
Please indicate the Hall and Room number
Please indicate the semester you wish to be released for
Please indicate your reason below
Explain the reason for submitting the request, indicating how circumstances are significantly different from the time the contract went into effect. A decision or status update will be communicated via University email no later than 3 business weeks after all documentation has been provided.
Agreement of Submission(Required)
I have carefully reviewed the information about the Contract Release Process contained on the website and tutorials. I understand that I will only be provided one submission to be reviewed and, if denied because I did not submit requested information or complete the request properly, I will not be permitted a second substitution. To the best of my knowledge, this information is accurate in every detail. I understand that if I am released from the housing contract I forfeit all guarantees for on-campus housing, and I will automatically be placed on the wait list if I apply for housing at any point in the future.
Drop files here or
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    Attach any supporting documentation
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


    Students should submit all documentation at least 15 business days (3 weeks) prior to their requested release date for the best chance of receiving a maximum refund amount. Refunds are granted in accordance with the University Refund Schedule and the checking out of the on-campus assignment, removing all belongs, and returning all keys.

    Important Items to Note

    • Residents who move out of an on-campus housing without a contract release are liable for all room and dining fees remaining on the student fee bill. Returning keys to University staff does not constitute the approval of a release from the contract.
    • Husky Village contract releases must also be approved by the organization as this may result in a burden to the fraternity/sorority. A release approved from an organization may result in reassignment elsewhere on-campus.


    Decisions will be made in accordance with the following factors and/or information:

    • The student is responsible for their actions and has made a commitment to University housing.
    • The student’s circumstances have changed to warrant a release.
    • Whether the expressed need of the student can be accommodated by another room type of on-campus housing or utilization of campus resources.

    If a contract release is granted, students will be held accountable for all charges up to and including the date of check out, and for any charges accrued as a result of damage to that room.

    Granted Requests

    Students who are granted a Contract Release should review the following information:

    • Check-Out: Students granted a release from the Housing Contract are required to follow the established procedures for checking out of their residence hall. Students should consult their Hall Director or Assistant Director of Residence Education about these check-out procedures if they have any questions.
    • Refunds: If a refund of any housing fees is granted the University's refund schedule will be used to determine the amount of that refund.
    • Additional Charges: Students released from the contract with a refund may accrue additional charges (per day) until checking out of their on-campus assignment and removing all belongings.
    • Released at the end of the Fall Semester: Students released from the contract at the end of the fall semester must move out of their room assignment by the designated fall semester closing (including apartment residents) and are not entitled to any refund or portion of the fall housing fees.
    • Future Housing: Students released from the housing contract are not guaranteed on-campus housing and are automatically placed on the waiting list if they apply for housing at any point in the future.

    Denied Requests

    If a Contract Release Request is denied, two options are available:

    • Appeal: The decision may be appealed directly to the Director of Housing Services. The appeal must include new and/or different information from that previously considered. Submission of an appeal does not relieve a student of any current residence or obligation.
    • Cancel: The housing assignment can be cancelled, however the resident will be held to the cancellation fee schedule and is responsible for all applicable fees.

    Supporting Documentation

    As part of your request, you may be asked to provide documentation or to specify why you are requesting to be released from the contract obligations. Please review the information below for different reasons and the potential documentation for each circumstance.


    • Students need to demonstrate how their extreme, unanticipated financial hardships, not present or known at the onset of the contract, is different from the time the contract went into effect. Finding off-campus housing at a lower cost is not considered a sufficient reason for a release request.
    • All circumstances must be verified through documentation and Residential Life will consult with the Financial Aid Office to verify whether or not students are utilizing all of the assistance for which they are eligible.


    • A serious medical issue must be verified by a signed statement from a physician and should address how this medical concern relates to the student’s inability to live in on-campus housing. The request will be considered based upon medical need and whether the need can be accommodated in any other on-campus housing through a room change. Medical documentation must be submitted to The Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD, myaccess-csd@uconn.edu) and not submitted to Residential Life. Submitting documentation does not automatically register a student with the CSD. However, students wishing to request accommodations (academic, residential, etc.) can register with the CSD at https://csd.uconn.edu.
    • Residential Life should receive this Contract Release form and any other non-medical documentation. When submitting to the CSD please submit to myaccess-csd@uconn.edu or fax to (860) 486-4412. Indicate in the subject the documentation is related to Contract Release. If you have questions regarding documentation contact Timothy Smagacz in CSD at (860) 486-2020 or csd@uconn.edu

    Change in Status (Full-Time to Part-Time Student)

    A release may be requested when a full-time matriculated student substantially changes their status to a part-time student with appropriate documentation (ex. Letter from student’s Academic Advisor). Changing to part-time student status is not grounds for automatic release.


    For any circumstance that does not relate to Financial, Medical, or Change in Status, please include all information that will help establish that your circumstances have changed since the beginning of the contract and why the release will support your situation.