New Residents: Storrs, Stamford and Transfer Students
Living on campus at the University of Connecticut is a wonderful, positive experience. The impact that on-campus living has on a student's academic and social life is significant. To create a positive learning community, each resident must take an active role in the development of the living environment. Residential Life staff are excited about collaborating with you to develop a positive community in your residential area.
The housing options for new residents are designed to help provide a smooth transition to UConn Nation. From additional professional Hall Directors in each area as well as Resident Assistants (RAs) throughout the halls, these areas help students find community when they arrive!
For information about Campus Change students please go to the following link. Information for Campus Change
Need To Know
Early Decision Information
Early decision accepted students should follow all listed important dates and deadlines for newly admitted students, as all current application and selection dates are applicable. There are no different dates or deadlines for any early decision accepted students.
Residential Life Email Communications
Residential Life utilizes the UConn email system exclusively to communicate with students. It is important to regularly check your UConn email account to stay informed about important housing-related updates. Students will receive their housing assignments in their UConn email accounts.
Residential Life is not responsible for email messages not received by students.
Smoking Policy
All state-owned buildings, including residence halls, are smoke-free per Connecticut State Law. Residential Life collects information on smoking preferences in an effort to facilitate compatible roommate pairings, when possible.
Vaccination Requirements
Connecticut State Law requires all students residing in university-owned housing be vaccinated against meningitis. Before students move in, they must either:
- Receive the immunization from UConn Student Health & Wellness
- Provide documentation that they have received the shot within the last 5 years OR
- Submit an medical/religious exemption form
New Resident Selection
Click below to get more specific information on selecting housing as a new resident.
Safety and Security
Safety and security is the shared responsibility of all community members. Students should:
- Lock all windows and doors
- Use the door viewer before opening the door
- Close doors (no propped open doors)
- Avoid dark areas and traveling alone late at night
- Let someone know when they are going somewhere and when they will be back (especially for overnights)
- Call 911 for all emergencies or to report suspicious persons
The primary mission of the UConn Police Department is the protection of lives and property at the University of Connecticut and all adjacent areas within the jurisdiction of the University.
All residence halls are locked 24 hours a day; students must use their ID card or a foyer key to gain access to the building. Security screens are on most ground floor windows.
Always lock your door when you are not in your room. Most thefts from residence hall rooms occur when students leave their doors unlocked. You can also purchase locking devices for computers and printers, locking them to each other or a larger item in the room.
Resident Assistants are on duty weeknights from 7:00 pm -7:00 am and on weekends from 7:00 pm on Friday evening to 7:00 am Monday morning. There is always a professional Residential Life staff member on duty for the residence halls as well.
Trash & Recycling
Recycling and trash stations are located in each of the traditional residence halls and suites. Apartment residents can take their trash and recycling to a collection point outside their building. Students, staff, and faculty can place recyclable material in any recycling container on-campus and can rest assured that the materials will be properly recycled.
Alcohol Policy
In accordance with state law, students who are under the age of 21 are not allowed to possess or consume alcohol. No alcohol is permitted in any room where both roommates are under 21. Illegal substances are never allowed at UConn.
The alcohol policy can be found in the Student Code at
Are new students assigned to housing or do they select?
The majority of new students will select their own housing over the summer, this process happens in late June and July. Please visit the following site for a list of common questions and answers about first year selection First Year Selection FAQs.
The majority of new students will select their own housing, this process happens in early January. Please visit the following site for a list of common questions and answers about first year selection First Year Selection FAQs.
How will you consider my medical needs when making my assignment?
Students who have documented disabilities that may impact their living environment are encouraged to request a housing accommodation with
appropriate documentation regarding the disability at the Center for students with Disabilities (CSD). Students who request a housing accommodation must meet all Residential Life deadlines (including application deadlines). The CSD staff will determine if an accommodation is necessary and if so, make a recommendation to Residential Life.
Visit or call (860) 486-2020 for more information. Students are encouraged to request an accommodation by July 1 for the Fall semester and December 1 for the Spring semester.
Where do new students live on campus?
There are designed freshman and sophomore areas of campus, including Werth Tower (primarily students in Learning Communities), Alumni Quadrangle, Towers Quadrangle, Buckley/Shippee (Honors students only), and Hicks and Grange Halls (East Campus). These areas are designed to help students adjust to college life and transition to community style living. Students will be selecting their assignments primarily located within these areas with other freshmen students as roommates, or with 2nd year students as roommates who are familiar with these areas and can serve as resources. The majority of rooms on campus are doubles, so most freshmen will live in these types of spaces. There are some triples and quads that will be available through the online selection process.
Newly admitted transfer students will primarily select their own assignments throughout the residential communities on campus. Transfer students are eligible to live in all types of communities, including suite and apartment style areas.
Where do Honors students live?
The Honors first-year community is located in Buckley and Shippee Halls. Continuing Honors students have the opportunity to live with other Honors students in clustered living environments in Shippee Hall, Brock Hall (Alumni), Snow Hall (South Campus) or in the newly built New South Suites on a space-available basis. Honors students may be allowed to pull-in a non-Honors roommate depending on space availability.
Where do International & National Exchange students live?
All International Exchange and National Exchange students reside in undergraduate housing areas throughout campus. Exchange students typically live with a current undergraduate student.
When can I request a roommate?
Roommate requests for the fall semester will be accepted during the summer in MyHousing. Complete instructions will be available in May each summer. Only mutual requests can be considered.
Roommate requests for the spring semester will be accepted starting December 20 in MyHousing. Please note that while you can request a roommate it does not guarantee that you will be able to choose a space with them due to the limited amount of space available in the spring.
How can I request a roommate?
UConn has partnered with MyCollegeRoomie to offer a roommate finding tool. Students can build a profile, answer a roommate compatibility questionnaire, and connect with other incoming students. Students can use MyCollegeRoomie to request a roommate they already have in mind or can create their profile to help identify another new student as a roommate.
How can I request to live with a current UConn student?
Continuing students will have the opportunity to request to live with a specific incoming student (first year and new transfer students) for the Fall semester during the summer. Continuing students should still select housing during their selection process in the Spring semester, but must be willing to change assignments during the summer if our staff is not able to place an incoming student in your selected room.
Students who are requesting to live with a current UConn student must email during the new student roommate pairing process and state that they are willing to be relocated to another space on-campus in order to live with the new student. Please also provide your full name/7 digit student ID number and the full name/7 digit student ID number of the new student you are requesting to live with. Only mutual requests will be honored--both the new student and the current student will need to email our office.
For the Spring semester continuing and new students can request each other by emailing into, however we cannot guarantee the ability to live together due to limited space.
How can I get a room change?
During each semester, and between the Fall and Spring semesters, there is a room change process. Information about these processes will be sent to your UConn email account and advertised on our website.
New students will have a room change process in August before they arrive to campus. More information on this process will be sent out to students in late July and advertised on our website as well. Please note that this room change process will be based on available vacancies and may not include rooms in every housing type or campus area.
I want to be in a specific hall or Learning Community, how can I do that?
We do not accept specific room requests on our housing application, but we do allow students to provide their highest rate preference. Residential Life will not place students into an assignment that is more expensive than the rate they indicate on their housing application. Please note that all placements are based on vacancies and while we do our best to meet a student's preferred rate, we cannot guarantee that a request for a specific room rate will result in placement in a room type that matches that rate.
The majority of housing for first year students will be in traditional doubles (Rate 1).
When will new students be notified of their assignments?
The majority of our new students will participate in an online room selection process beginning in mid-July for Fall and early January for Spring. Students only get one pick during this process- whatever room they select is their assignment (until the new student room change process begins). Please make sure you have your roommate group finalized and that you are fully satisfied with your selection before hitting “submit.”
Some new students may be assigned housing by a member of our staff based on accommodation need or application date. Students assigned by staff will be notified of their assignment on or before August 1 for the fall semester and January 10th for the spring semester.
I’m having trouble navigating MyHousing
Please make sure that you have watched our MyHousing tutorial to learn more about the features within MyHousing. If you have questions after watching this tutorial, please feel free to email so that staff can assist.
If you were admitted very recently, it may take 3-5 business days after your enrollment deposit is received before you will have access to MyHousing.
Is any area better to live than others?
Students find benefits in each residential area. The single most important factor in determining a student’s level of happiness on campus is a willingness to communicate and compromise with roommates and floor-mates.
How big are the rooms?
Rooms vary in size throughout the campus but doubles are generally between 154 sq. ft. and 180 sq. ft. Triple and quad rooms are larger to accommodate the additional students.
What if I don’t want the furniture that is currently in my room?
Unfortunately, the residence halls do not have adequate storage facilities for students to store furniture, and university furniture cannot be taken off site. Students will be held responsible for the furnishings in their room. If there is a concern about the furnishings or if a repair needs to be made, you can submit a work order by contacting the Operations Center at (860) 486-3113 or online at
Are the rooms carpeted?
While most rooms in the residence halls have tile floors, some still have carpet. You may purchase an area rug to fit your room at a variety of retail locations including the UConn Bookstore. Room dimensions vary from hall to hall, as well as within halls. Check with your roommate(s) before purchasing a rug as some students with allergies cannot live in carpeted rooms.
Can I have guests?
Residents can have guests! Just remember you should always consult with your roommate and adhere to the guest guidelines in the housing contract.
Where can students study?
Many students choose to study in their residence hall rooms while others find that the library is a more effective place to study.
Residence Hall Quiet Hours
- Sunday - Thursday: 10:00 pm to 7:00 am
- Weekends: Midnight - 7:00 am
During other hours, the noise level must not interfere with the rights of residents who want and need to study at that time.
Does UConn offer housing during the break periods?
All areas are open over Thanksgiving and Spring Recess. Winter Recess housing is available - an additional housing fee may be assessed for residents who remain during Winter Recess.
My roommate is too different from me; I don’t think we can live together…
Living with someone is a great opportunity to develop life-long relationships, even though it can be a challenging new experience. Before August 1st, students complete the Sharing Spaces Module online, which includes tips on fostering a positive roommate relationship (available during the summer).
Students who experience difficulties with their roommate(s) are encouraged to seek out help from their HD (Hall Director). HDs are professional staff members trained to assist students in resolving conflicts with other students. Students can also choose to participate in up to five different room change processes held throughout the year, including the online process in August before move-in day. Please note that we still encourage students to connect with Hall staff if they have roommate concerns, as sharing space with another student is an experience that continues throughout their entire time at UConn and may not always be remedied by a room change.
What should I bring to campus? Are there things I can’t bring?
Please visit our Items to Bring List for general thoughts on what students like to have in their rooms. We encourage you to speak with your roommate(s) to make sure that you are not duplicating efforts.
We find that students who purchase the majority of these items after they arrive on campus/partially move-in are best able to identify what items they would like to use to furnish their room. Each room is slightly different on campus and we do not provide measurements of closets, windows, walls, or other room features.
Please note that there are specific items that are not allowed in on-campus housing. A full list is available in the Housing Contract.
What is the general timeline for housing new students?
The general new student timeline for fall residents is:
- Pay the $400 Enrollment Deposit
- Complete the Housing Application
- Request a roommate in My College roomie during the summer (optional)
- Majority of new students will select housing (July)
- Complete the Sharing Spaces module by August 1
- Submit the Health History Form to Student Health Services by July 1
- Move-in day for freshmen will be announced over the summer
The general new student timeline for spring residents is:
- Pay the $400 Enrollment Deposit
- Complete the Housing Application in MyHousing
- Complete the Sharing Spaces module before move-in
- Submit the Health History Form to Student Health and Wellness by January 1
- Student select housing in early January
- Assignments will be visible in MyHousing in early January
- Move-in day for new spring residents will be announced during the fall semester
Do my parents/guardians have access to my personal records/information at UConn?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prohibits universities from talking about students’ records with anyone but the student. This includes financial aid records, housing records, transcripts and all other university records that have student names on them. Students can give a parent or guardian access to some or all records through the On-Line FERPA Waiver.
For more information please visit
It is strongly encouraged that students fill out this waiver before an emergency or incident occurs so that information can be provided to the designated contacts.
How can my family member get updated on general Residential Life processes?
Residential Life posts periodic updates and newsletters for parents and family members of our residents on our website. To receive an email informing you when these updates are posted, or when important deadlines or processes are approaching, please provide us with your email address by following the steps below.
To add a parent email - Include parent/family email address in your Student Admin account.
Add to your safe email sender list. Emails returned because is not a “safe sender” will not be re-sent.
Parent emails are sent into our system from the University database and staff are not able to update or change a parent email in our system. Please encourage your student to keep their parent email listing in Student Admin up to date if your email address changes during their time at UConn.
What is the duration of the housing contract?
Students who submit a housing application are bound to the terms and conditions of the housing contract for both semesters (fall and spring terms). The occupancy period is for the full academic year; cancelling the contract to live off campus may result in a financial penalty.
Who is guaranteed housing, and for how long?
All students desiring on-campus housing must apply and meet all housing deadlines each year.
Students who apply after all available spaces are filled are placed on the waiting list and only offered housing if spaces become available. The Office of Off-Campus Student Services is a helpful resource for students researching off-campus housing options –
What is the easiest way around campus?
Everything on campus is within walking distance. However, the bus system is a convenient alternative. The schedule can be found at #huskyrides.
Bicycle racks are also available throughout campus for individuals who wish to bring a bicycle to campus.
Can I bring a car with me to campus?
Qualified individuals are required to register their vehicles with Parking Services, pay a registration fee, and display a valid permit. For more information, please call Parking Services at (860) 486-4930 or visit
What transportation is available after the buses stop for the night?
The Husky Rides Service, which operates out of Transportation Services, offers transportation to students after bus service ends each night. Additional information, including hours of operation, can be found at
Can I get a U-PASS?
More information on the U-PASS program is available at