Because most students live on campus, there are very few open spaces for room changes. Most room change processes are designed for extenuating circumstances.
Types of Room Changes
Online Room Change
Students in the online room changes are able to view available spaces on campus and choose their own space via MyHousing. Students select housing as an individual but have the added benefit of being able to select multiple times while the process is active.
Change to Specific Room or Special Interest Area
Students who have a specific room request or wish to move into a special interest area (such as a Learning Community or Honors housing) will have their requests processed by staff members and will receive more information via email.
Trading Spaces
Students who wish to “trade spaces” or swap places with each other can request a Trading Spaces move during the room change process. The difference between Trading Spaces and the other room change options is that both spaces in a trading spaces move are currently occupied by students (while the online or specific room changes involve a student choosing a current vacant space). Students cannot trade spaces into a single room if they do not live in that room type currently.
Information Needed for Trading Spaces Requests
Both students who wish to trade spaces must email during an active room change process with the following information:
- Name
- Student Number
- Name of Person you are trading with
- Student Number of Person you are trading with
- Hall and Room you wish to move into
Students will be contacted after their Trading Spaces request is reviewed with additional instructions and should not move/relocate until they receive written approval from Residential Life.
Room Change Processes
Room Change Process (Fall and Spring)
Room Changes Offered During this Process:
- Online Room Change
- Specific Room, Learning Community, Honors, Special Interest Housing
- Trading Spaces
Process Timeline
There are select opportunities to pick a new room during the semester for students who submit the room change application. Please review the Important Dates to ensure you submit your application on time and know each round's date range.
- Submit the Room Change Application in MyHousing by midnight on Monday
- Pick times are sent to students on Tuesday
- Students requesting specific rooms, Learning Communities, Honors, or Special Interest Housing will receive individual email offers on Tuesday and need to respond by the deadline specified in their offer email. Students in this group will transition on the same timeline as the online room change group
Wednesdays & Thursdays
- Eligible students can log into MyHousing and view all available spaces
- Key Pick Up: Fridays between 12:00pm and 4:00pm in the main Residential Life Office, Lower Level of Whitney Hall, East Campus
Fridays & Saturdays
- Transition to your new space
- Return former room keys to the Key Drop Box, on the back side of Whitney Hall, by midnight on Sunday
- If you sign up but do not pick a room during that week's process, we will issue new pick times during each room change selection period so you can continue considering options
- If you select a new room during the process, you are committing to moving over that weekend
- If you are not available on a specific weekend, please wait until a later room change round so that you can meet this timeline. We cannot make exceptions or have you move outside of this timeline.
- A lock change will be issued if the key is not returned on time and a lock change charge will be added to your fee bill ($100 per lost room key, $15 mail room key)
- You will only be able to see open spaces on campus and it will not update with each person’s former assignment until the next opportunity opens the following week. This means that if you are hoping to live in a space that a friend vacates during the first round of the room change process, you may not see that spot in MyHousing until the following week.
- If you are not available to pick up keys or move during a specific weekend, we recommend waiting until a different week of the process and then selecting a new room.
Apply By | Selection Dates | Key Pick up 12pm to 4pm | Move Dates | Key Drop Off – no later than |
February 3 | Feb. 5-6 | February 7 | February 7-9 | February 9 |
February 10 | Feb. 12-13 | February 14 | February 14-16 | February 16 |
February 17 | Feb. 19-20 | February 21 | February 21-23 | February 23 |
February 24 | Feb. 26-27 | February 28 | Feb. 28 - Mar. 2 | March 2 |
March 3 | March 5-6 | March 7 | March 7-9 | March 9 |
March 10 | March 12-13 | March 14 | March 14-16 | March 16 |
Mid-Year Move Room Change
The Mid-Year Move Room Change Process is designed to help current Fall residents choose a new space for the Spring semester.
Any student who changes rooms mid-year needs to move out of their current room at the end of the Fall semester. They must check out of the room, return their keys and vacate all belongings over break. These students return in January with all belongings to check into their new room.
Want to change rooms but can’t take everything home with you over break? A Spring Room Change Process begins during the spring semester. If there is a specific room that you would like but can’t perform the Mid-Year Room Change; email by November 8th with the room information and every effort will be made to hold the space for you for the Spring Room Change Process.
Room Changes Offered During this Process:
- Online Room Change
- Specific Room, Learning Community, Honors, Special Interest Housing
- Trading Spaces
Process Timeline:
Please review the Important Dates to ensure you submit your application on time and know other relevant deadlines.
Specific Information about this Process:
- Deadline to apply is Friday, November 15th.
- Deadline to request a specific room is Friday, November 8th.
- Selection times based on earned credits will be available November 27th.
- Online room change selection is December 2nd through December 4th.
- Any student that changes rooms in this process is committed to checking out by December 16th at 12pm taking all their belongings with them and returning key to their Hall Staff.
- Student will move into their new room on January 19th .
- Unlike the Fall Room Change Process, as soon as you pick another room, your previous assignment will be available for someone else to choose, which means that you cannot change your mind if you choose a new room.
- If you want to move into a room that you know will have an opening, make sure you include that on your room change application and Residential Life staff will see if the room will be available. Double-check that the person leaving the room has told Residential Life they are leaving.
- Students who are participating in Winter Recess Housing will not be eligible for the Mid-Year Room Change process.
- If you would like to move off-campus for the Spring semester, you can cancel housing via MyHousing and fill out the Cancel Your Spring Housing application. Students attending the Storrs campus but moving off-campus will be responsible for 100% of their Spring Room rate.
- Please note that first year students are required to live on-campus are not eligible to cancel their housing. Students who wish to file an exemption from the residency policy can visit the Residency Requirement Information page for more information related to that process.
Trading Spaces:
October 28 -November 15
- Both students who wish to trade spaces must email
- Students who wish to trade should not submit the Mid Year Room Change Application and include the following information:
- Your Name
- Your Student ID Number
- Name of Person you are trading with
- Student Number of Person you are trading with
- Building and Room you wish to move into
New Student Room Change Process (Summer and Winter)
The New Student Room Change Process is an online room change for newly admitted students to view available spaces and select a new assignment prior to arriving on campus for their first semester at UConn. Availability is extremely limited and may not include every housing option on campus.
Room Changes Offered During this Process:
- Online Room Change
General Information:
- Assignments will be visible inside of MyHousing in early August for fall and early January for new spring residents. Please review the Important Dates for deadline information.
- Students who wish to change their assignment must email, include your seven-digit student ID number (Peoplesoft number) in all correspondence
- The online room change will take place in MyHousing | Residential Life (
- Spaces in this process are determined by available vacancies. Residential Life cannot guarantee that every room type will be represented during this selection process and do not predict that any apartment spaces will be available in this process. Our available spaces become very limited at the start of the year and most options that will appear will consist of Rate 1 housing in our traditional halls.
- Once a student changes their assignment, their former room will appear in the system for another student to select. This means that if a student changes their mind, they may not be able to return to their original assignment.
- New Storrs UConn students for the fall or spring semester (incoming students and transfer students) are eligible to participate in this process for the first semester on-campus.
- Roommates cannot be pulled-in through this process -- a student can only choose a new assignment for themselves.
Summer Room Change Process for Continuing Students
Summer 2024 Undergraduate Room Change Process
There will be two distinct processes for students to change rooms through the Summer 2024 Room Change & Trading Spaces Process for the Fall 2024 semester. Moving as a Pair/Group or Moving as an Individual.
The application will open in MyHousing on May 13th and remain open until June 16, 2024.
Process Timeline:
Review Important Dates to ensure you submit your application on time and know other relevant deadlines.
Room Changes
Moving as a Pair/Group
- Room change offers will be made starting May 28th with priority given to groups/pairs who applied by May 24th. Group/pair room change offers will be sent by our office the week of May 28th and June 3rd. Each student in a group or pairs that we are not able to honor their request, will receive a selection time in the online selection process to change rooms as an individual. In order to select into the same room the students will need to wait to select when the student with the later selection time is also able to select.
- After all students in the group/pair have submitted an application, they will be contacted by a staff member via email if a space is available.
- There will be a 48 hour deadline to respond to the offer, and typically only one offer is made. Students are not obligated to accept an offer and can choose to remain in their current room.
- Any student without a room change offer after June 4th will receive a room change selection time in the event they wish to view room availability.
- Students requesting to move as a pair or group must mutually match with each other in MyHousing:
- Log-in to MyHousing
- Room Selection > Roommates/Suitemates
- Select Term: Fall 2024
- Add the student(s) that you wish to move with to your roommate list.
- Only roommate pairs/groups that read “Your roommate group is fully matched” will be considered for group room changes.
- This process is only for current undergraduate students who currently have a Fall 2024 housing assignment. Students who are new to the University will complete a separate roommate pairing process prior to placement. Students on the waiting list for housing are not eligible to pair as roommates for this process.
Rooms Included in the Process
- Spaces in this process are determined by available vacancies. Residential Life cannot guarantee that every room type will be represented during this selection process. Once a student changes their assignment, their former room may appear in the system for another student to select. Students trying to find spaces for larger groups may not be able to move into a fully open apartment or suite, as we currently predict that most apartment and suite spaces will fill before the room change process begins. It is unlikely that a full apartment or suite will be available for this process.
Room Rate/Meal Plan Changes
Room rate or meal plan changes can occur. Be aware that adjustments may be made to your fee bill depending on the room type you are moving in to or out of.
Moving as Individual
- Moving as Individual – Selection Times Available each week on Tuesday
- Students who request to move individually to a vacant spot will choose their assignment online in MyHousing each week, Wednesday through Friday, June 4 – June 21. Students looking to move to a specific (non-single) room, or to an Honors or LC space will be offered a room change from Residential Life.
- There will be 3 opportunities to pick a new room through the summer for students who submit the room change application. Each Wednesday through Friday starting on June 4th, eligible students can log into MyHousing and view all available spaces.
- Once a new room has been chosen, more than likely the student’s former fall assignment will be available to another student to select. Students can change assignments any number of times between June 4th – June 21st.
- Roommates cannot be pulled-in through this process – a student can only choose a new assignment for themselves.
- Students who do not select a new room during this process will return to the same room for the fall semester.
- Instructions for selection will be each week via email on Tuesday.
- Any room changes occurring after the fall fee bills are generated will be reflected on the fee bill in late July.
- New rooms are added to the selection options weekly.
Specific Room Requests
Know of a room that will have an opening? Make sure you include that on your room change application and Residential Life will see if the room will be available to move you into.
Don’t Want to Move? Don’t Submit an Application!
If you don’t want to move, don’t submit an application! Only students who submit a room change/trading spaces application will be considered to change rooms.
If you change your mind about changing rooms while the process is underway, do not select a new space! Whatever assignment you are in when the process closes on June 21st will be the one that you will move into when you arrive to campus in August. If you do not change assignments, the room that you selected during housing selection in will be your Fall 2024 assignment.
Special Interest Areas
There are special interest housing areas throughout campus. Students requesting these areas must meet programmatic requirements. Students cannot move into or out of Husky Village during this room change process.
Moving to a Single Room
Room change requests received to traditional residence hall single rooms will not be processed. Traditional residence hall single rooms are prioritized for students with approved CSD housing accommodations for single rooms. Students requesting a room change to a single will be issued a housing selection time and will be able to choose from whatever rooms are available. Students cannot request to trade spaces into a single from other room types.
Trading Spaces (Swap Rooms with Another Student)
Email May 20 – June 16, 2024.
Both students who wish to trade spaces must email with the following information:
- Name
- Student Number
- Name of Person you are trading with
- Student Number of Person you are trading with
- Room you wish to move into
Students can update their application answer for the room change application by logging into MyHousing and clicking on the room change application again. Under the dropdown menu, select "Revisit/update this application" and you can resubmit it.
Talk with our Team!
Going through Room Change after leaving campus means that it can be more complicated to stop by our office to ask a quick question or to get help than in previous years.
We have a few solutions to try to help you connect with our Housing Services team and get your questions answered! Please remember that you can also email or call (860) 486-2926.
Staff work during the hours of 8:00am - 4:00pm (ET) on Monday - Friday during the summer.
Process Timeline
The schedule below shows each week's timeline for the 3 rounds of the Summer Room Change process.
Students who submit an application but do not select a new room will automatically be issued a time for all remaining rounds of the room change process. This means that if you apply before June 2nd but do not pick a room during the online process taking place June 5-7, we will automatically give you a pick time for the June 12-14 online process so that you can look at availability during that process.
Students who request a group move, specific room request, or special interest area will be processed manually by staff each week.
Please keep in mind that group moves and specific room requests will be processed during the week of May 28th and June 3rd and must be submitted by the May 24th application priority deadline. After May 24th, students with a specific room or group move request select in the online process.
Submit the Room Change
Application in MyHousing By: |
Online Room Change
Selection Dates (In MyHousing) |
May 24
June 2 |
Group/Pair, Specific Room Priority Deadline
June 5-7 |
June 9 | June 12-14 |
June 16 | June 19-21 |
Stamford Room Changes
Stamford Spring 2025 Room Change Process
- Spring Room Change application available at Stamford MyHousing Portal
- Spring 2025 housing assignment is required to be eligible for this process.
- Process is for individuals; specific requests, trading rooms and room change offer to vacancy.
- Application available January 26, 2025
- Due to limited housing availability we will not accept request to move as a group
Specific Room Requests
- Specific rooms can be requested if empty
- Students should include the hall and room number on their application.
- If the space is available, we will do our best to offer the space.
- The application deadline for specific space requests is Sunday, February 2nd
- Applications received after February 2nd will be reviewed as time permits.
- If offered a specific room change, you are committing to moving and returning former assignment keys by Sunday, February 9th.
Trading Spaces Requests
- Trading Spaces involves two people swapping rooms. Trading Spaces does not involve any vacant spaces.
- The deadline for Trading Spaces requests is Sunday, February 2nd
- These requests are accepted through February 2nd via email to
- Students do not need to submit a room change application in MyHousing.
- Students who want to trade spaces both must email and include:
- Name
- Student Number
- Name of Person you are trading with
- Student Number of Person you are trading with,
- Building and Room you wish to move into
- Students that trade spaces can only do so after being approved by Residential Life.
- Students cannot trade into a single if they live in a different room type.
Traditional Room Change Offer
- The application deadline for a room change request is Sunday, February 9th
- If you are offered a room change, you are committing to moving and returning former assignment keys by Sunday, February 16th
- We cannot make any exceptions or have you move outside of this timeline.
- If you are offered a traditional room change, you are committing to moving and returning former assignment keys by Sunday, February 16th.
Important Information about Room Changes:
- Students who are non-compliant with the Meningitis vaccination requirement are NOT eligible to change rooms.
- Room rate changes may occur. Be aware that adjustments may be made to your fee bill depending on the room type you are moving into or out of.
- Another student may room change into a vacancy in your room at any point in the room change process.
- Please keep that space clean and ready for a new roommate.
Process Timeline
Submit the Room Change
Application in MyHousing By: |
Request Type: |
February 2nd | Specific space requests |
February 2nd | Trading Spaces requests |
February 9th | All other room change requests |