If interested in applying for Summer Housing at the Storrs Campus please go to the following link
Request to apply for Summer Housing
Summer Undergraduate Housing
Eligibility for Summer Housing
To be eligible for summer housing, applicants must be current UConn students with a UConn student ID. Additionally, applicants must meet one of the following criteria:
- Housing Insecurity – students lacking a safe/reliable place to live during the summer months (this does not include students working/interning on/near campus seeking living accommodations closer to their site)
- International Students – students from abroad who are unable to return home for the summer months
- Summer Courses for Credit – students attending in-person summer classes on the Storrs campus (this only applies to the dates the student is actively enrolled in a class)
- Internship – to qualify, students must be enrolled in an internship on the Storrs campus
- Working On Campus – to qualify, students must be working for a university department (outside vendors located on campus do not qualify)
Summer Housing at Stamford
Please visit Stamford Summer Housing | Residential Life.
Verification of Eligibility
- Housing Insecurity – eligibility will be determined by Residential Life staff
- International Students – eligibility will be determined by university records
- Summer Courses for Credit – eligibility will be determined by university records
- Internship – eligibility will be verified by university professional staff supervisor
- Working On Campus - eligibility will be verified by university professional staff supervisor
Summer Housing Accommodations
Summer Housing placements will be located in double-occupancy spaces in Connecticut Hall and if needed, in double-occupancy spaces in South Campus. If deemed necessary due to special circumstances by Residential Life staff, students may be placed in other residence halls. Assignments are based on availability. Residents will be provided with a specific room assignment at check-in. Assignments are subject to change prior to check-in.
Health/Medical Accommodations: Residents with a documented health/medical condition or disability which may impact their living environment must contact the Center for Students with Disabilities to register and request a housing accommodation. Current students who already are registered should notify their CSD case manager that they will need a summer housing accommodation.
Summer Housing Billing
Summer Housing is billed on a flat weekly rate from Sunday through Saturday. Fee bills are generated once per month. Residents living on campus for multiple months will receive multiple bills as each bill covers approximately one month.
Summer 2025 Undergraduate & Graduate Room Rates
Hall & Room Type | Weekly Housing Rate: | Meal Plan Required? | Other Information |
Connecticut Hall: Rate 5 | $231 per week | Yes | Undergraduate Students Only |
Connecticut Hall: Rate 6 | $245 per week | Yes | Undergraduate Students Only |
South Suites: Rate 4 | $231 per week | Yes | Overflow for Connecticut Hall |
South Suites: Rate 6 | $245 per week | Yes | Overflow for Connecticut Hall |
Northwood Apartments: Rate 4 | $214 per week | No | Current Residential Graduate Students Only |
Hilltop Apartments: Rate 7 | $316 per week | No | Only for certain groups |
Summer Housing Application Timeline
Submit Application Request Form By*: | Application Completed and Approved By: | Eligible Date to Move-In: |
Wednesday April 30th | Monday May 5th | Sunday May 11th |
Wednesday May 7th | Monday May 12th | Sunday May 18th |
Wednesday May 14th | Monday May 19th | Sunday May 25th |
Wednesday May 21st | Monday May 26th | Sunday June 1st |
Wednesday May 28th | Monday June 2nd | Sunday June 8th |
Wednesday June 4th | Monday June 9th | Sunday June 15th |
Wednesday June 11th | Monday June 16th | Sunday June 22nd |
Wednesday June 18th | Monday June 23rd | Sunday June 29th |
Wednesday June 25th | Monday June 30th | Sunday July 6th |
Wednesday July 2nd | Monday July 7th | Sunday July 13th |
Wednesday July 9th | Monday July 14th | Sunday July 20th |
Wednesday July 16th | Monday July 21st | Sunday July 27th |
Wednesday July 23rd | Monday July 28th | Sunday August 3rd |
Wednesday July 30th | Monday August 4th | Sunday August 10th |
*If approved, access to the application will be provided in 1-3 business days
Summer Housing residents who do not have a Fall 2025 housing assignment must move out by 12:00pm on Friday August 15th
Transitioning From Spring to Summer Housing Assignments
Students approved to stay late in Spring 2025 who also are approved for Summer Housing will remain in their Spring housing assignment for the full Spring term unless otherwise directed by Residential Life staff. Directions regarding moving to summer assignments will be emailed by May 2, 2025.
Summer Residents Transitioning to Fall 2025 Housing Assignments
Summer residents living on campus as of Sunday August 10th who also have a Fall 2025 housing assignment will transition to their Fall 2025 assignment between Sunday August 10th and Wednesday August 13th (exact date with more information regarding summer to fall transition will be emailed by Thursday August 7th). All residents needing to transition during this period are required to be prepared to move during their assigned transition period – no exceptions will be granted.
Summer Residents Not Living On Campus for Fall 2025
Summer residents who do not have a Fall 2025 housing assignment are required to move out no later than 12:00pm (noon) on Friday August 15th. No exceptions will be granted for a later move out date.
Summer Housing Mid-Stay Departure: leaving campus for at least one full week during your summer stay
If you intend to live on campus for a period of time during the summer, leave for at least one full week (minimum of 7 Days: Saturday – Sunday), then return to campus and wish to not be billed for your time away from campus, please email livingoncampus@uconn.edu at least 5 business days prior to your mid-stay departure. Please note that you must fully move out and check out (return your keys) for the duration you are away to qualify. Due to the demand for Summer Housing, we cannot guarantee that a resident taking a mid-stay departure will be able to return to the same assignment.
Change of Plans?
If you need to change or cancel your Summer Housing application, please email livingoncampus@uconn.edu.
Meal Plan Information:
- Students living in a traditional dorm/suite are required to purchase a meal plan.
- There is one meal plan option for students in traditional dorm/suite spaces:
- Weekly Break Meal Plan - $167 per week
- 21 meals per week (1 each per day: breakfast, lunch, dinner)
- Unused meals do not rollover to the following day
- Meal plans cannot be pro-rated as they are billed on a weekly basis (Sunday through Saturday)
- If a student in a traditional dorm/suite area does not select a meal plan, one will automatically be assigned for them
- Weekly Break Meal Plan - $167 per week
- Students in apartment spaces may contact Dining Services to inquire about meal plan options: services@uconn.edu.
- Students enrolled in a summer class may change their meal plan for each term they are enrolled in until the third day of classes. After you’ve checked-in, please contact Dining Services at (860) 486-3128 to make changes during this window.
- Students working or interning on campus may change their meal plan up until their third day living on campus. After you’ve checked in, please contact Dining Services at (860) 486-3128 to make changes during this window.
Graduate Summer Housing
Graduate Summer Housing:
The Summer Housing Application is available March 1st. Please complete applications at least 8 days prior to your anticipated check in.
- To live on campus, graduate residents must have been a Spring 2025 graduate student who lived on-campus.
- Any graduate student who was not a Spring 2025 graduate student who lived on-campus can request summer housing but is only eligible for undergraduate housing.
- Graduate students must also meet one of the criteria listed in "Eligibility for Summer Housing" above in the undergraduate tab.
- If you meet one of the above criteria, please write in to livingoncampus@uconn.edu and request access to the Summer Housing Application
Billing Information
- Summer housing is billed on a flat, weekly rate from Sunday-Saturday.
- Fee bills are generated once per month, generally three days after each summer session begins. These billing dates apply to all residents, including those not taking a summer course.
- Residents living on-campus for multiple months will be receive multiple bills, as each bill covers about 1 month.
Summer Assignments and Length of Residency
- Spring 2025 residents who do not have a Fall 2025 housing assignment, can request summer housing through June 29, 202.
- Assignments are based on availability. Residents will be provided their specific room assignment at check-in.
- Health/Medical Accommodations: Residents with a documented health/medical condition or disability which may impact their living environment must contact the Center for Students with Disabilities to register and request a housing accommodation. Current students who already are registered should notify their CSD case manager that they will need a summer housing accommodation.
Transitioning to Summer Assignment in May
- Graduate residents will transition from their Spring 2025 assignment to their summer assignment during the week of May 12. Information with specific dates and times will be emailed in May.
Graduate Housing Summer Storage
- Residential Life is unable to offer summer storage. We recommend that students look at off-campus storage options.
Did your plans change after filling out the application
- If your plans change after completing the application, please contact LivingOnCampus@uconn.edu.
Frequently Asked Questions
I’m moving in on Wednesday, can I just be charged for half of the week?
No, as we bill on a flat weekly basis, you will be charged for the full week.
I am not a UConn student, but I am coming to the area from another University for an internship, can I live on campus during the summer?
No, you must be a current UConn student with a UConn student ID to potentially be eligible for Summer Housing. If you are a part of a larger group looking to plan a conference, please contact: conferences@uconn.edu
I work for a vendor on campus (such as Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks), am I eligible for Summer Housing?
No, to be eligible as a student employee, you must be working for a university department, which will need to be verifieNo, to be eligible as a student employee, you must be working for a university department, which will need to be verified by your university professional staff supervisor.d by your university professional staff supervisor.
I would prefer to live in an apartment over the summer, may I live there instead?
The answer is likely no. Our apartment spaces are only eligible for specific groups, graduate students staying in their same assignments in Northwood, and medical accommodations.
I won’t need the meal plan over the summer, how can I opt out of this?
If living in Connecticut Hall or South Campus, you are required to have a meal plan and cannot opt out of it. If you have any questions on meal plans, please contact Dining Services directly: Home | Dining Services
Can I be placed into a single for the summer?
The answer is likely no. Our single availability is extremely limited for the summer. As a result, students will only be assigned to a single if they have an approved accommodation for a single through CSD: UConn CSD
Can I request to live with a specific roommate?
Yes, you can. We accept roommate requesta via the summer housing application, however we cannot guarantee that requests will be fulfilled. Our team will do our best to accommodate such requests.